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Bandt Attended A Protest Against Israels Military In Melbourne

Australia Greens leader refused to weigh in on two-state solution for Israel Palestine as bloody Gaza

Bandt attended a protest against Israel's military in Melbourne.

Greens leader Adam Bandt refused to weigh in on a two-state solution for Israel Palestine as bloody Gaza

Greens leader Adam Bandt refused to weigh in on a two-state solution for Israel Palestine as bloody Gaza as a protest against Israel's military in Melbourne.

Bandt attended a protest against Israel's military in Melbourne where he said that he would not be taking sides in the conflict.

"I'm not going to take sides in this conflict," Bandt said. "I'm here to stand with the people of Gaza who are suffering from the violence."

Bandt's comments come as the death toll in Gaza has risen to over 100, including children.

The Israeli government has said that it is targeting Hamas militants in Gaza,

but the United Nations has said that many of the casualties are civilians.

Bandt's comments have been criticized by some, who say that he is not taking a strong enough stand against Israel.

However, Bandt has defended his comments, saying that he is not taking sides in the conflict and that he is standing with the people of Gaza who are suffering from the violence.

The conflict in Israel Palestine has been going on for decades, and there is no easy solution.

Bandt's comments reflect the difficulty in finding a solution to the conflict, and it is likely that the violence will continue for some time to come.
